Communicating with Customers
The Ajinomoto Group, based on the Ajinomoto System of Quality Assurance(ASQUA), listens directly to customer opinions and requests. It uses customer feedback to improve products, services, and business activities, constantly making effort to further raise customer satisfaction.
Ajinomoto Co., Inc. and Ajinomoto Frozen Foods Co., Inc. developed the Customer Satisfaction Promotion Policy and Customer Satisfaction Code of Conduct based on the ISO 10002* standard for handling complaints, to deliver products and services that satisfy our customers.
Customer Satisfaction Promotion Policy
To ensure that we continue to provide products and services that satisfy our customers, we will listen to customers, see problems from their point of view, and focus all of our resources on creating the solutions customers need. Above all, our aim is to be an honest company that customers can trust.
Customer Satisfaction Code of Conduct
We provide safe and reliable products and services to our customers.
We respond to complaints, requests and inquiries from our customers precisely, promptly and politely.
We respect the voice of the customer, and strive to use all input to add value to our products and services.
We actively disclose appropriate information to our customers.
We comply with regulations and voluntary in-house standards related to protecting the rights of our customers.
* International guidelines for a complaint management system which set requirements for an organization to meet in responding appropriately and promptly to customer complaints in order to improve customer satisfaction.