Ajinomoto Group Biodiversity Guidelines
Ajinomoto Group
Established on : July 2023
1. Introduction
The Ajinomoto Group offers its products in more than 130 countries and regions, and the entirety of its business activities, from the procurement of raw materials to manufacturing and sales, rely heavily on "ecosystem services," or in other words, a variety of natural assets such as agricultural, livestock, and fishery resources, genetic resources, water and soil, and pollinators such as insects. Living organisms and their connections contribute to healthy biodiversity, providing natural riches.
However, biodiversity is being lost at an alarming pace, so its conservation has become an urgent global concern.
The Ajinomoto Group recognizes the significance of lessening its impact on biodiversity and safeguarding the environment worldwide, all while doing business. Accordingly, we have established guidelines that stipulate matters related to biodiversity in addition to those described in the Ajinomoto Group Policies.
2. Approach to initiatives
Environmental issues such as biodiversity and climate change, declining water resources, wasting resources, and pollution of water, air and soil are closely related and cannot be treated in an individual manner. In light of this correlation, we shall carry out our initiatives to lessen our environmental impact while working in a mutually effective manner, in areas such as conserving biodiversity, sustainably using biological resources, controlling greenhouse emissions, effectively using resources, and reducing waste.
In addition, we shall consider the social factors that impact indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLCs), women and young people, as well as considering social justice and equality.
We support the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework*1 adopted at the 15th meeting of the Conference of Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity in 2022 (COP 15) and aim to contribute to its achievement.
3. Ajinomoto Group Action Guidelines
The Ajinomoto Group shall address the issues listed below related to identifying the risks and opportunities associated with biodiversity and to preventing and mitigating biodiversity loss, as well as restoring and rehabilitating biodiversity. We shall publicize the status of our actions and work to maintain transparency.
Understand the involvement of biodiversity in the value chain.
Promote the use of raw materials produced with biodiversity in mind, including zero deforestation.
Contribute to resource reserve surveys and resource management of natural marine resources and the like.
In recognition of the invasive species issue, make considerations when choosing transportation methods so as not to disturb local biodiversity caused by the inadvertent movement of organisms when transporting raw materials and commodities.
Take into consideration the water cycle in communities with regard to our intake, drainage and use of water.
Aim to avoid and mitigate biodiversity loss and to restore and regenerate biodiversity through the development of products, services, technologies, and systems that contribute to the environment and society.
Promote business site design and management that considers the biodiversity of the surrounding area.
Comply with international regulations and agreements on biodiversity.
4. Goal
By promoting the initiatives outlined above, we aim to reduce the impact of our business activities on biodiversity and contribute to its restoration and rehabilitation, thereby making the impact of our business activities net positive.*2