Amino Acids in Our Lives

Amino acids play an active role in various aspects of our lives, such as diet, personal care, sports and medicine.

Learn how the amino acids glutamate and aspartate help make food taste great.

Learn how branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) can increase endurance, enable faster recovery, and reduce muscle soreness.

Learn about the importance of amino acids in maintaining healthy skin and hair.

Learn about the importance of amino acids for healthy aging.

Glycine helps you fall asleep and improves sleep quality.

Did you know amino acids can enhance immunity?

Learn how “AminoIndex technology” detects health risks.

Taking certain amino acids enables your liver to break down alcohol more efficiently, helping you recover faster from a hangover.

Did you know a high-intensity sweetener made from amino acids, aspartame, is considered safe and is approved for consumption in more than 125 countries and territories worldwide?