Human Rights
Ⅰ. Approach, Policy, and Structure
1. Basic Policy
As we realize sustainable growth through Ajinomoto Group Creating Shared Value (ASV), the Ajinomoto Group engages in the SDGs and other efforts related to the international consensus on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) policies. In doing so, we recognize that all business activities must be premised on respect for human rights. We support international standards for human rights including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-up, and the United Nations Global Compact. Further, we have established our own Ajinomoto Group Shared Policy on Human Rights. This policy is based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) and ensures that as a corporate group that conducts business globally, all of the Ajinomoto Group companies, and officers and employees respect internationally recognized human rights and comply thoroughly with international human rights obligations and related laws and regulations of the countries where we operate. In addition, we encourage our business partners and other related parties (including upstream suppliers) to support this policy and respect human rights, and work together to promote respect for human rights.
Ajinomoto Group policies are approved by the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee before being signed by the president and CEO.
[Excerpt] Ajinomoto Group Priority Human Rights Issues
* Excerpted from the Ajinomoto Group Shared Policy on Human Rights
- Elimination of discrimination
The Ajinomoto Group does not engage in discrimination, harassment or any other affronts to the dignity of individuals on grounds of race, ethnicity, national extraction, religion, creed, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, or other identifying characteristics. - Prohibition of child labor and forced labor
The Ajinomoto Group does not accept any form of child labor, forced labor, bonded labor, or human trafficking. - Respect for fundamental labor rights
The Ajinomoto Group respects fundamental labor rights including freedom of association, workers’ right to organize and collective bargaining rights. - Adequate provision of wages and reasonable working hours
The Ajinomoto Group provides all employees with adequate wages and reasonable working hours. - Ensuring a safe working environment and promoting health and well-being
The Ajinomoto Group provides a safe, hygienic and comfortable working environment and endeavors to promote the health and well-being of all workers worldwide. - Support for work-life balance
The Ajinomoto Group understands the importance of work-life balance and endeavors to make this possible for workers across the globe. - Contribution to building a more diverse and inclusive society
The Ajinomoto Group strives to enhance diversity by respecting the diverse characteristics and perspectives of each individual so that workers all over the world can flourish regardless of factors such as race, nationality or sex. The Group also works to support, empower, and protect the human rights of members of vulnerable, marginalized or under-represented groups, such as people with disabilities, migrant workers, or LGBT people. - Safeguarding personal information
The Ajinomoto Group adheres to the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and applicable laws and regulations and we are committed to proper safeguarding of all personal information we handle.
2. Framework
The Ajinomoto Group pursues ESG and sustainability initiatives that include respect for human rights in supply chain, mainly through the Sustainability Committee and Risk Management Committee, a subordinate body of the Executive Committee. The Sustainability Committee and the Sustainability Development Department create roadmaps regarding human rights in supply chain initiatives, offer proposals, and provide support to incorporate sustainability into business plans. These two bodies report to the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors. In addition, the Board of Directors, Executive Committee, and the Sustainability Advisory Council hold discussions on human rights topics as appropriate.
*Efforts regarding human rights issues within Ajinomoto Group are mainly promoted by the Business Conduct Committee and its subordinate organization, the Human Rights Committee.

Discussions Regarding Human Rights in Board of Directors
Date | Meeting Body | Issues |
February 2, 2023 | Sustainability Committee |
April 27, 2023 | Sustainability Committee | Report results of the Indonesia/Vietnam human rights impact assessment |
September 25, 2023 | Executive Committee | Report results of the Indonesia/Vietnam human Study session on sustainability information disclosure (CSRD) *Including human rights perspectives |
October 5, 2023 | Sustainability Committee |
Ⅱ. Human Rights Due Diligence
1. Ajinomoto Group Human Rights Due Diligence
In accordance with the UNGPs and the Group Shared Policy on Human Rights, the Ajinomoto Group engages in dialogue and consultation with third-party experts* on human rights and other stakeholders. In this way, we ensure respect for human rights for all stakeholders (employees, business partners, local communities, customers, etc.) across the Ajinomoto Group value chain, including production and sales across all businesses, as part of our human rights due diligence process. We conduct periodic country-specific human rights risk assessments for raw materials procurement every four year (2014, 2018, 2022).
*The Caux Round Table (CRT), the Global Alliance for Sustainable Supply Chain (ASSC)
2. Basic Concepts
Our approach to establishing a UNGPs-based management system covering the value chain emphasizes the two aspects: comprehensiveness and depth, as described below. Our main focus is on direct, in-depth dialogue with rights-holders, while our approach to comprehensiveness complements these efforts by thoroughly identifying and understanding risks that cannot be uncovered through depth alone. Through these efforts, we intend to minimize human rights risks in our value chain. We engage in this system while seeking and incorporating external perspectives on an ongoing basis.
- Depth:
Closer cooperation with suppliers and other business partners is essential for ensuring human rights. We use custom questionnaires based on the Guidelines for Group Shared Policy for Suppliers to identify human rights risks and support improvement through dialogue. - Comprehensiveness:
It is essential to strengthen cooperation with suppliers and other business partners. To this end, we are developing our own questionnaires and information systems to create a foundation for information gathering and dialogue.
The Ajinomoto Group Human Rights Due Diligence Process

Fiscal year | Ajinomoto Group Initiatives |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |

3. Identify and Assess Adverse Impacts
The Ajinomoto Group conducts regular human rights risk assessments and related human rights impact assessments as part of our efforts to delve deeper into this issue.
We explore ways to prevent or improve issues related to human rights that we identify through these efforts.
Human rights risk assessment: We investigate and identify human rights risks from a third-party perspective in each country involved in raw material procurement, production, and sales based on Ajinomoto Group business operations (conducted every four years).
Human rights impact assessment: Based on the risks uncovered in the human rights risk assessment, we visit the countries and regions in question to engage in direct on-site dialogues with stakeholders (employees of business partners, rights holders such as local residents, NPOs, etc.) to understand the human rights impact and issues.

(1) FY2018 Human Rights Risk Assessment and Human Rights Impact Assessment
1) Human Rights Risk Assessment
Using the Verisk Maplecroft Human Rights Risk Database, we identified and analyzed human rights topics with the advice of an external expert, Caux Round Table Japan (CRT Japan). We identified Thailand (seafood processing and poultry industries) and Brazil (coffee beans and sugarcane molasses) as high-risk countries/regional industries in connection with the Ajinomoto Group's food businesses.
The high-risk matters we identified included occupational health and safety, child labor, and forced labor.
Report of the FY2018 Human Rights Risks Assessment (CRT Japan)

2) Human Rights Impact Assessment (Direct Dialogue with Rights-holders)
- Human Rights Impact Assessment in Thailand (2019)
With a particular attention to the seafood processing and poultry industries, we visited manufacturing plants and aquaculture farms involved in the Ajinomoto Group’s value chain. We also engaged in dialogues and interviews with international NGOs and National Human Rights Commission of Thailand, as well as industry associations in the seafood and poultry industries and migrant workers.
〈Result summary〉
It is clear that the legal system in Thailand is well developed and an effective remedy mechanism is functioning in the poultry industry. We intend to extend these good practices to other businesses and regions where the Ajinomoto Group operates.

- Human Rights Impact Assessment in Brazil (2021-2022)
With a particular attention to the sugarcane molasses and coffee bean industries, we conducted dialogues and interviews with manufacturing plants and farmers involved in the Ajinomoto Group’s value chain, international NGOs, national human rights institutions, and industry associations. (Conducted online due to COVID-19)
〈Result summary〉
It is clear that the regions where the Ajinomoto Group conducts procurement are highly mechanized and the risk of human rights violations is not high. At the same time, it has been suggested that, although the legal system in Brazil is well-developed, specific remedy mechanisms are inadequate. We will continue to explore the establishment of a remedy mechanism in this region.

(2) FY2022 Human Rights Risk Assessment and Human Rights Impact Assessment
1) Human Rights Risk Assessment
As with the first assessment, we used the Verisk Maplecroft Human Rights Risk Database and reflected advice from CRT Japan. Having examined high-risk countries and regions where the Ajinomoto Group engages in the food business, we identified Southeast Asia and Brazil as high-risk countries for the food industry. High-risk issue*1 identified included occupational health and safety, child labor, modern slavery (forced labor), and discrimination. Additionally, we identified the following risks based on evaluations of priority raw material*2 sourced by the Ajinomoto Group. Based on these results, the Ajinomoto Group held discussions with external experts and identified sugarcane molasses in Indonesia and coffee beans in Vietnam as industries and countries with high human rights risks. Human rights impact assessments in these areas are currently in progress.
*1 Risks assessed: child labor, decent wages, appropriate working hours, discrimination, freedom of association, modern slavery, occupational health and safety, and land grabbing
*2 We prioritized the following five raw materials in our human rights risks assessments.
Raw Materials Assessed | Coffee Bean | Sugarcane Molasses | Soybeans | Shrimp | Palm Oil |
High Risk Issues |
Countries |
2) Human Rights Impact Assessments (Direct Dialogue with Rights-holders)
- Human Rights Impact Assessment in Indonesia (Supply Chain of Sugarcane Molasses) (February 2023)
Third-party human rights experts and Ajinomoto Group sustainability and procurement staff visited local work sites and engaged in direct dialogue with manufacturing plant operators, traders, sugar mills, and farmers involved in the Ajinomoto Group sugarcane molasses supply chain.
- Prior explanation to management of Ajinomoto Co., Inc. and the local subsidiary in Indonesia (November and December 2022)
- Human rights impact assessment of the supply chain of sugarcane molasses, Indonesia (February 27th and 28th, 2023)
- Visit to the Surabaya region, Indonesia by third-party CRT Japan and Ajinomoto Group sustainability and procurement representatives as part of efforts to enhance traceability in the region
- Visits to the Ajinomoto Group manufacturing factory, trader, sugar mill, and farmers along the Ajinomoto Group’s sugarcane molasses supply chain to conduct direct dialogues
Report of result from CRT Japan (March 10th, 2023)
- Draft report on human rights impact assessment of the supply chain of sugarcane molasses in Indonesia prepared by CRT Japan
Information sharing within the Ajinomoto Group (April 2023)
- Feedback of the assessment results to the local subsidiary in Indonesia
- Initiated consideration of specific future action plans
Although we did not find any serious human rights issues, we will continue to monitor the situation related to proper work hour management, remedy mechanisms, forced labor, occupational health and safety, and other issues.
- Human Rights Impact Assessment in Vietnam (Supply Chain of coffee bean) (April 2023)
We went into the local coffee bean industry supply chain and conducted dialogues and interviews with farmers, exporter and local coffee company.
〈Summary of results〉
No serious human rights issues, such as forced labor or child labor, were found within the scope of this time.
On the other hand, some points to be improved were found, including the method of contracting short-term workers during the coffee bean harvest season and the occupational health and safety management method of exporter. (Response under consideration)

- Human Rights Impact Assessment in Malaysia (Supply Chain of palm oil) (January 2024)
We visited Malaysia and conducted dialogues and interviews with palm oil refiners, palm farmers, foreign workers, certification bodies, etc.
* Regardless of direct or indirect transactions, we conducted an inspection of the palm oil supply chain in Malaysia.
〈Summary of results〉
No serious human rights issues, such as forced labor or child labor, were found within the scope of this time, and we will continue to investigate.
In Malaysia, there is a certification system called Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) that is made mandatory by the government. Through dialogue with farmers, farmers' associations, the Malaysian Palm Oil Certification Council (MPOCC), which operates the certification system, we have understood that this certification is aiming for overall improvement in alignment with the current situations, considering the responsiveness of small-scale farmers and stakeholders involving in the Malaysian palm oil industry, and they were continually improving.

- Human rights impact assessment in Thailand (November 2024) *Second time since 2019
We conducted dialogue and interviews with shrimp farms, Processing companies and other stakeholders with NGO**.
**ASSC (The Global Alliance for Sustainable Supply Chain)
〈Summary of results〉
This time, our investigations did not find any serious human rights violations, such as forced labor or child labor, in the places we visited, but we did find issues that need improvement. According to local experts, serious human rights issues remain in Thailand, and foreign workers (in particular) are at the risk of human rights violation. Most of the workers in the shrimp farms and factories we visited are foreign workers (from neighboring countries), and we think continued visits and investigations are essential.

4. Prevent or Remedy Adverse Impacts, and Monitor and Assess Effectiveness
(1) Initiatives With Suppliers and Business Partners
The Ajinomoto Group established the Group Shared Policy for Suppliers, which describes seven expectations of suppliers necessary to fulfill our corporate responsibility, social responsibility, and contributions to a sustainable society. In addition, our Guidelines for Group Shared Policy for Suppliers states clear, specific actions for suppliers to take under two categories:
- [Mandatory]: Actions required for all suppliers
- [Developmental]: Matters encouraged for suppliers
Through these efforts, we avoid causing or encouraging adverse impacts on human rights based on the activities of companies and organizations with which the Ajinomoto Group has business relationships. We deal with any such impacts should they occur. We also seek to prevent or mitigate adverse impacts on human rights linked directly to Ajinomoto Group operations, products, or services conducted through business relationships, even if not contributing to such impacts.
- Group Shared Policy for Suppliers
- Guidelines for Group Shared Policy for Suppliers
- Sustainable materials sourcing
Guidelines for Group Shared Policy for Suppliers Compliance Survey
As part of our initiatives to be comprehensive in approach, the Ajinomoto Group aims to monitor the adverse human rights impacts of business partners across all transactions in our value chains as we head toward 2030. Our aim here is to prevent or correct any impacts. Through this initiative we complement our efforts to delve deeper in minimizing human rights risks in our value chains by comprehensively identifying and understanding risks not detected otherwise.
In 2018, Ajinomoto began using Sedex*1 to create an overall picture of our suppliers. In 2022, we created a custom questionnaire based on the Guidelines for Group Shared Policy for Suppliers, called Questionnaire for Group Shared Policy for Suppliers (QAPS*2). This questionnaire is part of our efforts to strengthen initiatives for suppliers based on the UNGPs. We use these tools to understand and identify risks related to governance, human rights (forced labor, child labor, etc.), occupational health and safety, and other risks at our business partners. We engage in dialogue with high-risk business partners to support their work in preventing and improving human rights issues. Through these processes, we aim to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of prevention and remediation of human rights issues in the supply chain on an ongoing basis.
*1 Abbreviation for Supplier Ethical Data Exchange. A not-for-profit organization that provides data on labor standards, business ethics, etc., within global supply chains.
*2 QAPS: Questionnaire for Ajinomoto Group Shared Policy for Suppliers
Questionnaire for Group Shared Policy for Suppliers (QAPS)
QAPS is an evaluation chart that surveys (in questionnaire format) whether specific practices are in place based on requirements for suppliers in accordance with the Guidelines for Group Shared Policy for Suppliers. The questionnaire consists of 86 items and covers our efforts to address human rights due diligence as required by ILO and other global standards. We rate the overall implementation status of the requirements at suppliers on a 5-point scale based on the responses. Another purpose of this questionnaire is to encourage suppliers to understand their own human rights risks and explore ways to correct and make improvements. When we identify a supplier as high-risk, the Ajinomoto Group engages in dialogue with the said supplier, providing support to prevent and improve human rights issues.
Overview of Initiatives With Suppliers and Business Partners

In 2022, we began surveying supplier compliance with the Guidelines for Group Shared Policy for Suppliers. Given the business environment of the Ajinomoto Group, we decided to develop the questionnaire for our business partners in stages. The fiscal 2022 survey targeted mainly primary purchasers of food ingredients and packaging materials. Of the 998 companies surveyed, 938 responded. (92% response rate)
- Overview
We confirmed that 53% of our suppliers are fully compliant with the mandatory requirements. Meanwhile, it appears there is room for improvement in handling high-risk items among 22% of suppliers.
Fully compliant with all items designated mandatory by the Ajinomoto Group. | 53% |
Compliance to a certain degree with items designated mandatory by the Ajinomoto Group. | 5% |
No improvement in certain items designated as mandatory by the Ajinomoto Group. | 20% |
No improvement in numerous items designated as mandatory by the Ajinomoto Group. Or, room for improvement in certain particularly high-risk items designated as mandatory by the Ajinomoto Group. |
19% |
Room for improvement in numerous particularly high-risk items designated as mandatory by the Ajinomoto Group. | 3% |
- Status by item
Among the secondary items within the Ajinomoto Group Guidelines for Group Shared Policy for Suppliers, we confirmed that essentially all suppliers were paying appropriate salaries and wages. However, we also confirmed low compliance with appropriate import/export control and respect for human rights.

In addition, we confirmed the status of compliance with high-risk items for the 22% of suppliers indicating room for improvement in compliance with high-risk items. The results showed that the rate of non-implementation was particularly high for identifying human rights risks, and prohibition of child labor among human rights-related high-risk items.
〈Feedback of Results and Initiatives for Improvement〉
We sent a summary report of the Questionnaire for Ajinomoto Group Shared Policy for Suppliers to all suppliers who responded to our questionnaire. The report indicated the results of the questionnaire and individual risks at the company in question. In December 2023, we held a briefing session for related business partners to report and share the questionnaire results and exchange opinions. In the future, we intend to conduct individual dialogues with suppliers indicating room for improvement in high-risk items, offering support for correction and improvement. Through these initiatives, we work together with business partners in ESG initiatives, helping suppliers recognize their own strengths, weaknesses, and steps to improve.
(2) Human Rights of Foreign Workers
In 2020, we voiced our support for the Tokyo Declaration 2020 on Responsible Acceptance of Foreign Workers in Japan formulated by the Global Alliance for Sustainable Supply Chain (ASSC) regarding the recruitment of foreign workers under Technical Intern Training Program or those with Specified Skilled Worker visa, and we have requested that our suppliers create an environment in which foreign workers can be active in their work. In fiscal 2021, we participated in the development of the Responsible Employment Guidelines for Migrant Workers as Technical Intern Trainees and Specified Skilled Workers in Japan as a member of the CGF Social Sustainability Working Group.
Based on these guidelines, we visited and held dialogues with supervising organizations and registered support organizations related to the technical intern trainees employed by domestic Ajinomoto Group companies. Through these efforts, we confirm that technical intern trainees and specified skilled workers are appropriately paid and provided support in their work and daily life.
We also regularly visit sites where foreign workers are employed, mainly in domestic Ajinomoto Group companies, to understand and confirm working and housing conditions. We regularly hold direct dialogues with foreign workers and other on-site employees with responsibility for foreign workers to identify and remedy human rights risks.

Dialogue with Foreign Workers

Dialogue with Registered Support Organization
Currently (as of March 2023) there are foreign workers from 12 countries who speak 11 different languages working at DELICA ACE Corporation, an Ajinomoto Group enterprise. We also employ foreign technical intern trainees and foreign workers with Specified Skilled Worker visa. In order to tackle complex communication issues that arise as nationalities and languages become more diverse, we are implementing the following original initiatives, focusing on improving the work environments of foreign workers and promoting their success in Japan.
(1) Use of Multilingual Translation System DAMS* and Video Manual tebiki
Beginning in 2020, we implemented videos with on-screen information and text. These videos allow foreign workers to check and view notices in their native languages from the General Affairs Departments, such as health checkups, as well as information on operational procedures and quality, safety and health points on their production line. The information and video manual are updated on a daily basis and the system allows us to monitor if the foreign workers have viewed the material or not. Previously, we displayed posters in Japanese (hiragana) and explained matters orally in Japanese, which often lead to miscommunication. However, this initiative has deepened their understanding, improved motivation and work efficiency, and reduced problems in quality, safety and health.
*DAMS: Delica Ace Multilingual System

Viewing DAMS
(2) Bridge* Employees *Human resources who act as a ‘bridge’ between foreigners and Japanese
The one-way communication approach of the multilingual translation system DAMS and the tebiki video manual did not allow us to properly understand the feelings and concerns of our foreign workers. To facilitate two-way communication, we began appointing Bridge Employees in 2022. Bridge Employees are foreign workers (from the Philippines, Indonesia, and Myanmar) with high Japanese language and communication skills, who have also studied at DELICA ACE Corporation as technical interns. Those appointed work to facilitate communication between Japanese and foreign workers. They are in charge of timely interpretations, translations of notices, and training, and attend regular meetings several times a month with Japanese managers where they speak about work comfort from the perspective of a foreign worker. They additionally communicate information to members who have less experience in the country and follow up with them on their work. In addition, by utilizing their own experiences of living in Japan and having them take on other roles as senior members, they are able to increase their motivation to work.
(3) Lease of One Cellphone Per Person
We lease one cellphone to each foreign technical intern trainee and implement a system where they can consult with supervising Japanese staff about any worries or problems they experience in daily life. This allows us to not only thoroughly respond to their physical or lifestyle concerns, but also to any issues with housing and community.
5. Information Disclosure, Education, and Training
(1) Education and Training Within the Group
From time to time, the Ajinomoto Group holds training and briefing sessions on business and human rights for directors, employees, and business partners.
(2)Compliance with Laws and Regulations on Respect for Human Rights in Each Country
The Ajinomoto Group adheres to human rights laws and regulations in each country as we develop our business globally.
- Compliance with the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010(CTSCA)
The Ajinomoto Group has disclosed the following statement from related local subsidiary regarding the California Transparency in Supply Chains Acts of 2010, which was enacted in California, USA.
6. Dialogue with Stakeholders
The Ajinomoto Group holds regular dialogues with human rights experts and stakeholders, sharing and communicating our initiatives externally as case studies to further our efforts to respect human rights and to obtain expert opinions.
Ⅲ. Remedies
1. Grievance Mechanism
The Ajinomoto Group established several consultation and reporting offices within and outside the group to promptly and appropriately address damage resulting from adverse human rights impacts. Each consultation office strictly protects whistleblower’s privacy, and related departments work together to appropriately address and resolve the situation.
Internal reporting (whistle-blowing) channels

Number of hotline reports*
FY2018 | FY2019 | FY2020 | FY2021 | FY2022 | |||||
Japan | Overseas | Total | Japan | Overseas | Total | ||||
Human rights, harassment | 47 | 45 | 50 | 36 | 5 | 41 | 38 | 19 | 57 |
Employment, working conditions | 21 | 19 | 36 | 26 | 34 | 60 | 14 | 66 | 80 |
Quality, environment, safety | 1 | 1 | 3 | 7 | 2 | 9 | 6 | 14 | 20 |
Fraud | 1 | 4 | 3 | 9 | 4 | 13 | 2 | 6 | 8 |
Social manners, ethics | 6 | 10 | 29 | 22 | 97 | 119 | 8 | 54 | 62 |
Proper job performance | 20 | 8 | 45 | 19 | 2 | 21 | 16 | 5 | 21 |
Other | 2 | 6 | 4 | 8 | 107 | 115 | 9 | 213 | 222 |
Total | 98 | 93 | 170 | 127 | 251 | 378 | 93 | 337 | 470 |
Ajinomoto Group Hotline
This is an internal whistle-blowing hotline for Ajinomoto Group employees (regular, part-time, and temporary employees, etc.) and executives.
Considering the ease of access for people of many nationalities working at group companies, in 2023 we unified our traditional domestic and global counters, enabling access in 22 languages.
The whistleblower can choose between real name and anonymity.
Business Conduct Committee of Ajinomoto Co., Inc. is responsible for conducting surveys and responding in cooperation with related organizations.
- Bolstering our internal reporting hotline (whistle-blowing)
(Sustainability Report 2023 p.122)[PDF:518KB] - Consultation Form
Supplier hotlines
The Ajinomoto Group established the Supplier Hotline in fiscal 2018 as a contact point for reporting from suppliers. The hotline is designed to detect and correct suspected violations of laws and deviations from the Ajinomoto Group Policy (AGP) by Ajinomoto Group executives or employees.
Hotline for Foreign Workers
The Ajinomoto Group has been participating in an advisory capacity since the 2020 establishment of the Japan Platform for Migrant Workers toward Responsible and Inclusive Society (JP-MIRAI) created by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) together with other stakeholders including companies, lawyers, and NGOs. This aims to resolve issues faced by foreign workers undergoing technical training and those with special skills. In fiscal 2022, we participated in the Consultation and Relief Pilot Project for Migrant Workers launched by JP-MIRAI. Moving forward, we intend to expand this system to cover the whole supply chain and utilize it in the early detection of issues with labor and human rights.