Face of Food Waste

Face of Food Waste
Face of Food Waste

Sometimes leftover food looks sad, like it’s crying because it wasn’t eaten.

Every year, food waste—including the leftovers at home—has a growing impact on our society.

Little actions can also contribute to solve this issue. Let’s start doing whatever we can.

Together with you, the Ajinomoto Group is striving to achieve a sustainable world.

Face of Food Waste. Eat Well, Live Well. AJINOMOTO.
Face of Food Waste. Eat Well, Live Well. AJINOMOTO.
Face of Food Waste. Eat Well, Live Well. AJINOMOTO.
To Eliminate Food Waste Eat Well, Live Well. AJINOMOTO.
Let's start by doing whatever we can. Eat Well, Live Well. AJINOMOTO. The Ajinomoto Group is also working on reducing Food Waste.

The Ajinomoto Group is contributing to the well-being of all human beings,
our society and our planet with "AminoScience".