Well-being is our passion. Stories explores how the Ajinomoto Group is helping people and societies around the world, and our planet.
Sustainability: Environment
Ajinomoto Bite-sized Library
Sustainability: Nutrition for Sports
Ajinomoto Bite-sized Library
The Power of Amino Acids
Ajinomoto Bite-sized Library
Sustainability: Nutrition for Better Health & Aging
Sustainability: Environment
Sustainability: Nutrition for Better Health & Aging
Empowering Sustainable Dairy Farming
Realizing ASV by structuring sustainable innovation creation: The challenge of the global one team “BRIDGE”
From the Taste of Japan to the World
The Thailand Victory Project®— a recipe for success
What’s Your AJI-NO-MOTO® Made From?
Go to Mars: exploring possibilities for life on the Red Planet through “AminoScience”
Advancing regenerative medicine: StemFit™ helps advance research into safe and reliable therapies
Dialoguing with society: Ajinomoto Group IR
AJI-NO-MOTO® is the source of our planet’s well-being!?
Confronting the “silent killer” in Vietnam: delicious salt reduction using umami
HONDASHI® Paper Packaging: Reducing Plastic Waste and Adding Fun
Nutrition education: promoting initiatives that improve and maintain physical and mental well-being
98 Stories