Milk consommé soup with chicken meatballs and vegetables

- 8 chicken meatballs
- 5 ounces (150g) Japanese radish
- 1 potato
- 1 carrot
- 5 ounces (150g) shimeji mushrooms
- 3 cups (approx. 700ml ) milk
- 2 cubes Consomme *One cube is equivalent to 2 teaspoons of granules.
Cut radishes, potatoes and carrots into small pieces. Divide the shimeji mushrooms into small bunches.
- Pour milk into a pan and bring to a boil, add consommé and dissolve.
Add vegetables and chicken dumplings and simmer until cooked thoroughly (15-20 minutes).
Umami comes from...

Shimeji mushrooms
Glutamate: 140mg/100g

Inosinate: 150-230mg/100g
@Umami Information Center